FOEP at APS Meetings – Future

APS March 2016 meeting will be held March 14-18 in Baltimore, Maryland

baltimore-skyline FOEP is organizing an Invited Session with renowned specialists in bringing the message of outreach to the public. FOEP will also organize, for the first time, a Contributed Session and will sponsor a Physics Slam.

Done any outreach lately? Consider presenting your work at FOEP's March activities
  • Submit an abstract for the contributed session on outreach and engaging the public.
  • Sing, dance or act out your research? Perhaps just make everyone laugh about it? Consider trying out for the Physics Slam!

APS March Meeting 2016The Great APS March Meeting Physics Slam

March Meeting attendees!!

Are you doing some awesome physics and have a talent for the dramatic or comedic or song or dance or lead guitar? Perhaps all of the above? AND, you want to share your science with Baltimore locals, sans PowerPoint or Prezi?

Well, FOEP has just the thing for you. We are planning the first ever—first annual??—March Meeting Physics Slam.

The Slam will take place in two parts. First will be an audition before a panel of peers, for the ultimate in peer review. There will be no appeals to the editor!!

Then, a subset of you most-talented ones will go on to the Main Event, likely at a local establishment that specializes in adult beverages, during which you will perform your six to eight minute Physics Slam before a fun loving—hopefully physics loving— audience of Charm City denizens.

Stay tuned for more details on the APS March Meeting web site.

APS April 2016 meeting will be held April 16-19 in Salt lake City, Utah.

Salt Lake City, Utah photoFOEP will again organize Invited and Contributed Sessions. Your participation on any of these activities is extremely welcome and an excellent contribution. Please consider participating at FOEP's April activities in any form you feel is appropriate.


FOEP at APS Meetings – Past

March 2015 Meeting

March Meeting 2015 LogoFOEP sponsored a session at March’s meeting.

Session J4: Invited Session: Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public
Tuesday, March 3, 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  • The Physics Force presents the Physics Circus, Invited Speaker: E. Dan Dahlberg
  • Quantum physics reimagined for the general public, Julien Bobroff
  • Developing a Global Science and Math Education System Based on Real Astronomy Data, Invited Speaker: Carlton Pennypacker
  • The Role of Outreach in NSF Proposals, Invited Speaker: Randal C. Ruchti
  • Developing Broader ImpactsActivities through Informal STEM Education Collaborations and Strategies, Invited Speaker: James Bell

April 2015 Meeting

April MeetingFOEP sponsored two sessions at April’s meeting, including the communications workshop.

X8. APS & Public Engagement in Historical Perspective
Tuesday, April 14, 10:45 a.m. - 12:33 p.m.
  • The American Physical Society and the Ethics of Cold War Science
  • The Society's Involvement in the Defense of Human Rights
  • History of the Forum on Physics & Society

Science: Becoming the Messenger Communications Workshop
Saturday, April 11, 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.