FOEP Membership

Hi FOEPers,

Jenny Ross photo

Jenny Ross

My name is Jenny Ross, and I am a member-at-large of FOEP.

As you may know, FOEP was established only a few years ago by physicists excited about Outreach and Engaging the Public with our science. We already have a healthy start to becoming an important and stable forum at APS, but, to ensure stability, we need more members!

To get more members, I will be running a membership drive! Here are some of the things we are going to do:
  1. March Meeting and April Meeting Tabling. To increase encouragement, we will be giving people a list of all the free food events at the meeting. BUT, you can’t get the list unless you sign up for FOEP. Also, get a badge sticker to show your support of FOEP! If you want to help with the tabling, great! Send me an email:
  2. Bring a friend to FOEP. Have a buddy who is active in outreach or public speaking about physics, who isn’t with FOEP? Bring them to a session and to the table. Send them our newsletter (this). For every person you bring to FOEP, you will be entered into a raffle to win a Pebble Time Smart Watch (worth $200).
  3. We want to hear from you! Have a cool activity and a way to implement it? We want to see you give a talk at APS March or April meeting. These 10-minute talks do not count against your abstract submission for your science. It is an extra talk that you can give about your cool outreach. Look for our sorting session “Outreach and Engaging the Public” at both meetings (March and April). Your talks make APS meetings great! If we like your talk, we might call you for an interview to be profiled in our newsletter and on our website.

We hope to see you soon!

– Jenny Ross