FOEP at Future Meetings

Finding your scientific voice:

You’ve spent years designing, carrying out, and wrapping up your research. Now it’s time to communicate your results to your peers and the broader community!

The Forum for Outreach and Engaging the Public (FOEP) will host workshops on improving communication skills of students and postdocs. The workshops will be held at the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) meeting in November and the APS March meeting. Each 3 hour workshop will focus on how to improve the 10 minute talks for the meeting as well as give participants instruction on how to communicate with the lay public about their work. Please look to the meeting websites for information on how to sign up.

Contributed by: Itai Cohen

Visit our invited sessions at the next March and/or April meetings – or give a contributed talk and double your exposure!

APS March Meeting - March 13-17, New Orleans, LA
FOEP invited session speakers include Amber Stuver, The Physics Bus group, and more. Look for a FOEP, FHP cosponsored staged reading of a science-based play Wednesday evening at 8 PM

APS April Meeting - January 28-31, 2017, Washington DC, FOEP
Invited session speakers include David Kaplan, Rachel Wolf, and more.
Look for a FOEP, FHP cosponsored staged reading of a science-based play Sunday evening at 8 PM

Double your exposure by giving an outreach talk in addition to your science talk!

The Forum for Outreach and Engaging the Public will have contributed talk sessions at the March (section 25.6) and April (section R5) meetings. Importantly, these talks do not count against you, so you can still submit a scientific presentation. We look forward to hearing about your work.

The Ithaca Physics Bus is coming to New Orleans!

The Ithaca Physics Bus is about doing science for fun. It is a mobile exhibition of upcycled appliances--reimagined by kids--that showcase unfamiliar physics phenomena. The mission of the physics bus is to awaken interest and creativity in physics for all ages and walks of life.

The Bus is coming down to New Orleans for the APS March meeting 2017 and will be making stops in schools and community events throughout the week. Stay tune for an event schedule. Make sure to check it out while it is in town!

Ithaca Physics Bus