Spotlights on Outreach and Engaging the Public with Ainissa Ramirez and Mark Miodownik

Questions and Answers with Ainissa Ramirez and Mark Miodownik, both material scientists, authors, and experts at outreach and engaging the public.

We posed the same questions to these two very talented people. Their responses are below. Enjoy!

Q: What inspired you to do the outreach you do?

Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a scientist. I got the idea from a television program. Back in the 1970s and 80s, I loved shows like Star Trek, The Bionic Woman and The Six Million Dollar Man. But the show the really put me on the path to becoming a scientist was a PBS show called 3-2-1 Contact. In it, there was repeating segment, which had a black girl solving problems with her friends. When I saw her, I saw my reflection.

The reason why I do outreach is because science literacy is one of the most important issues of our time. Science touches everything in our culture from climate change to evolution to data privacy. Yet, most people don’t have a good relationship with science, commonly from a bad experience with it. This poor relationship has societal consequences, because a population that feels detached from science is destined to make uninformed decisions. The reason why I do science outreach is because I want to break this cycle and I want to push back against the anti-science thrust stirring in our midst. From my own experience, I have learned that one of the best ways to form a connection to science is in seeing one’s reflection in it. It goes without saying that we need to address the stereotype of white males in white lab coats, so that more folks can feel included in science. As such, I do science outreach to be that reflection to those who have been overlooked and those who may have had a bad experience with it. I do outreach to shatter that stereotype and to encourage people of all stripes that science is for them, just like 3-2-1 Contact did for me.

Popular science is like pop-music, it allows readers to be part of the enjoyment and vibrancy of modern culture. It also inspires new people, hopefully an increasingly diverse set of people, to take part in science. This is particularly important for branches of science that are less well known to the public, such as materials science. The ages of civilisation are named after materials, such as the stone age, the bronze age and the iron age, which shows that the development and understanding of materials is an ancient practise. Yet despite being so fundamental to civilisation and the development of the other newer sciences such as physics and chemistry, it is relatively unknown to the public. I got into outreach to do something about this. Materials science is a synthesis science in that it rejects reductionism: materials cannot be understood solely from knowledge of their constituent parts. This gives it a modern outlook and an increasing relevance to how technology and other aspects of modern culture shape us. My goal is to help the public appreciate this central role of materials in their lives.

Books Liquid Rules and The Alchemy of Us

Q: Story telling - you both are extremely good at it. I love science and I love reading about science, both research papers and the general outreach articles. The small amounts I have read from each of your works show that you not only have a knack for delivering science in an understandable format but also can weave an incredible story around it. Were you always good story tellers?

I grew up as one of four sons to immigrant parents. Hearing the stories of how my parents came to live in London was always part of the background to my childhood. I wasn’t much of a story teller myself though, I had much louder and funnier brothers who did that. It was later in life when I became a materials scientist that I recognised that I had to learn to be a better story teller if I was going to be a good teacher. We learn through stories, they help us remember what is important whether it’s the number of protons in a carbon atom, or that stiffness is different from strength. Finding the right stories that hook the interest of my students makes the calculations and computations I require of them become meaningful - not something just to learn for an exam, but to understand the world around them. Telling stories is like any craft, the more you practise the better you get.

I never really thought of myself as a storyteller. I actually see myself as that exuberant little girl from so long ago who loves science and who just wanted to share it with those around me.

When I was growing up, I really enjoyed my science lessons in my grammar school and loved sharing them with my family, particularly my grandmother. My grandmother was always interested in what I learned. When I spoke with her, I always wanted to make her feel included even though my science lessons might not have been familiar to her. To do so, I would describe science concepts by comparing them to everyday things in life. Sometimes I would anthropomorphize my lessons and turn them into a story. It was those skills of conveying information that I honed long ago that I now apply to my work today as a science communicator. When writing The Alchemy of Us, I shared my excitement for the topic of materials science and made sure that the concepts were understandable to readers often by using analogies and by telling stories. I did this so that readers entering this unknown world of science would feel included, too.

Q: An example - You have very different styles but, as I noted, you are both amazing story tellers. I would like for our readers to get a small example of what I mean. Would you be willing to share with us a small excerpt from one of your books that shows an example of this?

When writing for the general public, I’ve learned that the main job of a sentence is to make the reader want to read the next sentence. We live in a world where many things are vying for our attention, so it is important to pull in the reader and hook them. It was with this mindset that I wrote my first paragraph of my book The Alchemy of Us:

Like clockwork, a recognizable knock came at the door. It was a Monday in the fall of 1908 and just like every Monday, a woman named Ruth Belville stood at the entryway of a London watchmaker. She wore a dark dress cinched with a broad waistband that offered a hint there was a slim shape underneath the thick fabric. Her ankle-length hem cast a wide shadow that obscured her shoes from sight. Her hair was gathered up neatly under her hat and on her arm hung a modest yet oversized handbag. There at the entrance, aware of the time, she eagerly waited. When the door finally opened, the storekeeper greeted the weekly visitor with “Good morning, Miss Belville. How is Arnold today?” She replied, “Good morning! Arnold is four seconds fast.” She then reached into her handbag, grabbed a pocket watch, and passed it to the watchmaker. He used it to check the store’s main clock and then returned the pocket watch to her. She left. Their transaction was now complete. Ruth Belville was in the unusual business of selling time with her watch named Arnold.

I loved the story of Ruth Belville because she is such a fascinating woman who had a career of supplying time to businesses. But from the point of view of the book’s architecture, she is also a useful device. I use her story in a number of ways: She serves as the thread between different topics pertaining to clocks. She also serves as proof of how society had a growing obsession with timekeeping. I could have easily written a declarative sentence stating that fact. But it is far more compelling to the reader to see this unfold with Ruth Belville. The story of her business of selling time sticks in a reader’s mind better than just hearing facts about it.

The opening paragraph from my book Stuff Matters:

As I stood on a train bleeding from, what would later be classified as a thirteen centimetre stab wound, I wondered what to do. It was May 1985, and I had just jumped onto a London Tube train as the door closed, shutting out my attacker, but not before he had slashed my back. The wound stung like a very bad paper cut and I had no idea how serious it was, but being a British schoolboy at the time, embarrassment overcame any sort of common sense. So instead of getting help, I decided the best thing would be to sit down and go home, and so bizarrely, that is what I did.

Q: How important do you think story telling is in doing outreach? Do you have suggestions for those who wish to improve their story telling abilities?

People love stories and once you have them hooked on a narrative and set of characters they will want to know more. Telling stories allows you to tell them things that they might otherwise have had no interest in, such as that carbon has six protons in its nucleus or that stiffness is not strength. Reading or listening to other people’s stories is helpful, but in general the only way to get better at telling stories is to try, fail, and have the perseverance and desire to try again.

Telling great science stories is vital. Not all students easily take in information in the form of graphs and formulas. In fact, a very small population resonates with such ways of presenting information. Yet, all people can take in a story. There is even research that says our brains are hardwired for them.

Stories are stickier than facts. Stories are also a useful vehicle. With them, you can couch science principles and concepts, whereby the story acts like a conveyor belt, moving the reader along. But in order to do so, scientists have to adopt a new habit of giving the reader just enough information to feel included. For stories to work, we don’t have the luxury of sharing all the scientific details we want to share.

Stories also require that we take a new posture when connecting with the public. Outreach means meeting readers where they are, and one way to make this connection is to employ popular culture. When writing The Alchemy of Us, I wanted to explain Einstein’s special theory of relativity, particularly the concept of time dilation. It was clear to me that a layperson might not get it. So what I did is use music to explain how time expands. I found research that said that our brains keep track of time with physical cues, such as the position of notes on a musical score.

However, in jazz, musicians don’t play notes exactly the same, but oftentimes earlier or later than what is written on a page. As a result, our brains lose a sense of time, stretching and contracting with these notes. This might be a bit of a stretch, but audiences can relate to jazz more that Einstein, and after they do so, they are willing to take the next step to think about the special theory of relativity. In this case, I meet people where they are, and then take them to where I want them to eventually be. We need more of that in science outreach and we can do that with relatable science stories.

Q: What keeps you going in doing outreach? Or what are the personal rewards of doing outreach that motivates you to continue?

I am convinced that improving science literacy is one of the most important things the world needs right now. So, it is that fact that keeps me motivated. We live in a world were people doubt science—and scientists. I believe if people had more science in their lives, they can develop what Carl Sagan called a “bologna tester.” They need to be empowered to be able to sniff out facts from fiction. In this world of fake news, the world needs this skill more than ever.

As for my personal rewards, well, there is nothing more satisfying than doing the work that you believe you were designed to do. There is nothing like having your brain “on fire” with ideas and having access to the tools to make them come to life. What also satisfies me is when I occasionally hear from readers, when they report that they found what I wrote to be interesting. I so enjoy hearing that. When I was a professor, I loved witnessing the moment when a student “got” something I taught. I still relish that moment, and hope to create similar occasions with what I write. Doing so makes me feel that I will have a little part in shaping the future.

I enjoy outreach, that’s the first reason I do it. I think it is important for the public to realise that science is not done by a whole load of geniuses, it is done by collections of people all working together, some like me are not amazingly smart, but what we do together is smart and does change the world. So I just let them to know I am an ordinary person working on an extraordinary project called materials science.

I think outreach is vital to attract a diverse range of people both in terms of gender and ethnicity to take up science. This is important because science should be done for the people by the people. Even though I am part of the privileged group of white males who get to feel at home in science, I hope to help change the system that prevents others thriving in science. Outreach allows me to speak out, it gives me a voice.

Doing outreach also makes me a better teacher because I get better at communicating. It also makes me a better researcher because the public often have wisdom and expertise which informs the kind of materials science I do. For instance, I now work on plastic waste because I gave a talk about materials science at a school. When it came to questions the kids asked me whether I was working on solving the problem of plastic waste polluting the oceans and the soil. I replied that I wasn’t working on this problem, and they asked me what else could be more important than helping to solve this environmental catastrophe. I had to agree with them and started applying for grants. Q: Any advice for our readers on doing outreach?

Don’t do it unless you are passionate about your science. If you are passionate, express that passion.

Do that little thing you can do in your wheelhouse to move the science literacy needle positively. Not all of us have the same skill, so we must not expect each other to do the same thing and at the same level. If you can do a Youtube video, great. If you can write an Op-Ed, great. If you can visit a classroom, great. If you can team up with a science museum, great. If you can give advice on science policy, great. If you can start a podcast, or be on social media, or make appearances on television, great, great, great. Do what you can and do what you can do well. We don’t need bad and boring science content out there. So find what you excel at and then do that. We need all scientists of all stripes and ages and experiences on deck. So find what it is that you do well and then make sure to do it.

Disclaimer – The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on Outreach & Engagement Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.