Forum News

Fellowship Nominations due June 1

The deadline for nominations for APS Fellowship through FPS is June 1, 2011. The chairperson of the FPS Fellowship Committee is Puspha Bhat of Fermilab. See nomination instructions.

FPS to Host Sessions at APS April Meeting

The annual April meeting of the APS will be held at the Hyatt Regency Orange County in Anaheim/Garden Grove, CA, from April 30 to May 3, 2011. FPS is hosting six sessions. The tentative titles of presentations are give here; not all speakers were confirmed at press time.

Session B5: Saturday, April 30, 10:45 am. Electromagnetic Pulse Phenomena. Chair: Benn Tannenbaum. Peter Huessy: EMP Threats to US National Security: Congressional Responses, Yousaf Butt: To be determined, Michael Dinallo: Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Review.

Session E5: Saturday, April 30, 3:30 pm. Nuclear Weapons at 65. Chair: Patricia M. Lewis. Rebecca Johnson: TBD, Jay Davis: Issues for Future Nuclear Arms Control, third speaker TBD.

Session J5: Sunday, May 1, 1:30 pm. Forum on Physics and Society Awards Session. Chair: Charles Ferguson. M. Granger Morgan: Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Talk: How a Physics Education has Influenced Practice and Graduate Education in Technically-Focused Quantitative Policy Analysis, John Ahearne: Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Talk.

Session Q5: Monday, May 2, 10:45 am. Physics and Engineering of Deep Water Drilling. Chair: Peter D. Zimmerman. Brian Clark: Physics and the Quest for Hydrocarbons, Kenneth Gray: An Introduction to Deepwater Drilling, Jonathan Katz: Viscoelastic Muds — Top-Kill in Rapidly Flowing Wells.

Session R5: Monday, May 2, 1:30 pm. The Status of Arms Control. Chair: Pierce Corden. Sidney Drell: What Happens to Deterrence as Nuclear Weapons Decrease Toward Zero?, Marvin Adams: Confidence in Nuclear Weapons as Numbers Decrease and Time Since Testing Increases, Edward Levine: Securing Support from a Skeptical Senate for Further Strategic Arms Controls.

Session Y5: Science Diplomacy. Chair: Harvey Newman. Barry C. Barish: Science Diplomacy in Large International Collaborations, Neal Lane: A Scientist’s Approach to Diplomacy—First, Listen and Learn, Norman P. Neureiter: Science Diplomacy in Action. Sponsored jointly with the Forum on International Physics.

These contributions have not been peer-refereed. They represent solely the view(s) of the author(s) and not necessarily the view of APS.