Our Media Presence

Want a more interactive experience? We now have a blog and our own Facebook Page. Feel free to use them. They are not moderated, so please be careful and maintain a polite tone. However, as in the text Newsletter, do not shy away from controversial topics or opinions.

Head over to our new blog physicsandsocietyforum.wordpress.com or Facebook page @APSPhysicsAndSociety to share specific articles, leave comments, or post your own interesting physics and society stories! We’re hoping to use these platforms to keep a more constant online presence, so please send any photos, event blurbs, media clips, interesting lectures and conferences.

For any other feedback and ideas on enhancing our media presence, contact our media editor at tabithacolter@gmail.com.

T. Coulter

Tabitha Coulter, Media Editor

These contributions have not been peer-refereed. They represent solely the view(s) of the author(s) and not necessarily the view of APS.