From the Editor

On the news in this issue is that an APS Innovation Fund project, entitled "Informing and Activating the U.S. Physics Community in Nuclear Threat Reduction" has been approved. One of the leaders is Stewart Prager, one of our own sponsored speakers at the last March meeting. Congratulations: this is very important work. I hope to be able to publish an article on this topic in a forthcoming issue.

We are continuing our effort to expand our media presence. Please contact our Media Editor, Tabitha Colter, at for suggestions and comments.

We have four articles in this issue, more than usual, including one by our last Szilard prize winner, Zia Mian, and two by recently Forum session invited speakers, Bruce Wielicki (March meeting), and Doug O'Reagan (April). As I said in the previous issue, I intent to continue soliciting articles from our prize winners and invited speakers.

However, contributions from our general readership and their friends are needed also and always welcome. Articles and suggestions for articles should be sent to me. Book reviews should go to the reviews editor directly ( Since content is not peer reviewed and opinions given there are the author’s only, not necessarily mine, nor the Forum’s or, a fortiori, not the APS’s either, we are able to be very open as to what is appropriate. If you do not like a published article, write a response in the form of a letter to the Editor or, even better, as a responding article.


Oriol T. Valls
University of Minnesota

Oriol Valls

Oriol T. Valls, the current P&S newsletter editor, is a Condensed Matter theorist.

These contributions have not been peer-refereed. They represent solely the view(s) of the author(s) and not necessarily the view of APS.