GPER Nominations for APS Fellowship

At the April APS Meeting, Michael Wittmann (University of Maine) was recognized as one of the inaugural APS GPER Fellows. This seemed like a good opportunity to remind GPER membership of the upcoming deadline for submitting nominations for this year's Fellows.

As a topical group, GPER is able to nominate two to three APS members to be elected Fellows for 2016. We would like to collect nominations from the community for potential GPER Fellows.

GPER members have until June 1 to collect nominations, so if you're planning on submitting a nomination, please begin organizing your nominations soon. After June 1, the GPER Fellowship Committee will begin the evaluation process.

The criterion for election to fellowship is “exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise.” Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one's professional peers. More information can be found on the APS Fellows webpage.

Please submit the following using the APS Fellowship Nomination online system prior to June 1, 2016:
  • The name of the nominee (the system will retrieve the relevant contact information from the membership directory)
  • Select the GPER as the topical group or forum best qualified to assess the nomination
  • A suggested citation (maximum 300 characters)
  • A supporting paragraph (maximum 2500 characters)
  • Nominee's principal publications (at most eight)
  • Nominee's other contributions (invited talks, patents, professional service, etc.)
  • Nominee's academic background
  • Nominee's employment background
  • Nominee's professional honors
  • Your name and email address
  • Your (the sponsor’s) letter of support
  • Co-sponsor’s letter of support
  • Up to two additional letters of support (not including sponsor’s and co-sponsor's letters)
  • Apple users are requested to use Firefox.
  • Nominees must be APS members.
  • A nomination needs a sponsor AND co-sponsor, with letters of support, and up to two additional letters.
  • All nominations are submitted through the same system, regardless of unit; the relevant unit is specified during the submission process.