The objective of the Topical Group is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the interdisciplinary area of nonequilibrium statistical physics. This area encompasses nonlinear science from dynamical systems and chaos, through pattern formation and spatio-temporal chaos, to fluid turbulence and complex systems. Also of prime interest are concepts of statistical mechanics, especially in their application to nonequilibrium systems as exemplified in the emerging field of "soft condensed matter physics". These include but are not limited to granular media, foams and emulsions, colloids, biomolecules, networks, polymers, dynamics of biological systems, and fracture dynamics. The Group encourages research and applications in these areas and promotes international cooperation.

The GSNP welcomes and needs the support of all APS members whose interests overlap with statistical and nonlinear physics. If you are not already a member, we urge you to become one. You may do this by using the APS Unit membership application form and following the instructions, or by marking the appropriate box when you renew your APS membership.

Suggestions or questions about the GSNP and its activities should be directed to to the Chair of the Topical Group, to the Chair Elect, or to the Vice Chair.

This Home Page will be a major channel of communication for the GSNP Membership. If you have items of general interest to the Topical Group such as the announcement of conferences, workshops, or summer schools, please communicate them to either the Chair or the Secretary/Treasurer. We will post them here and will also disseminate the information via email to the GSNP mailing list.

News & Announcements

A GSNP virtual seminar series: “k log W”
This monthly seminar series, launched July 2020, will feature prominent speakers that span the diverse range of interests and backgrounds of the GSNP. For upcoming speakers and details see here.

Congratulations to Our Newest APS Fellows

Gray Arrow APS Fellows from GSNP

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.