
Recipient Picture

Theodore Alan Fulton
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies


"For pioneering contributions to single electron effects in mesoscopic systems."


Dr. Theodore Alan Fulton was born in Washington, Iowa and now lives in New Jersey. He received his BS degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Colorado in 1961 and a Ph.D. in Experimental Physics from Cornell University in 1966. Hen then joined Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, where he ultimately became a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff. There he has worked closely with many valued colleagues, at first on Josephson-junctions and recently on single-electron phenomena. He retired from Bell Laboratories in 1996, but has remained involved there as a consultant. Currently he is a part of an ongoing collaboration that employs a scanning electrometer based on the single-electron transistor to obtain sub-micron images of surface electric fields, most recently in regard to Quantum Hall behavior in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure.

Dr. Fulton is a member and Fellow of the APS.

Selection Committee:

Zachary Fisk (Chair), Patrick Lee, Dale van Harlingen ('98 Recipient), Sankar das Sarma (Vice Chair), Cherry Ann Murray