Flow pattern from a jet impingement

Hamid Ait Abderrahmane
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Aslan Kasimov
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Flow pattern from a jet impingement
Image by Aslan Kasimov and Hamid Ait Abderrahmane

When a fluid jet falls vertically at high Reynolds number and strikes a horizontal plate, a circular poloidal flow (roller) may arise as a result of instability of the circular hydraulic jump. Observing from below the plate, we show the symmetry breaking and the associated self-organized structures that follow the destabilization of the circular roller by the injection of air, with a syringe, at the entrance of the flow. The inner perimeter of the roller becomes of polygonal shape, strong jets flow from the corners of the polygon, wake vortices form in each side of the jets. In the space between the jets there is a region where the fluid flows back toward the interior because it has smaller velocity than the escape velocity from the central region.

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To use this image, please contact: Hamid Ait Abderrahmane, haitabd@hotmail.com