Chair: James Rondinelli (03/24 - 03/25)
Northwestern University

Chair-Elect: Junqiao Wu (03/24 - 03/25)
University of California, Berkeley

Vice Chair: Quanxi Jia (01/24 - 12/24)
State Univ of NY - Buffalo

Past Chair: Yuri Suzuki (03/24 - 03/25)
Stanford University

Secretary/Treasurer: Ni Ni (03/23 - 03/26)
University of California, Los Angeles

Councilor: Peter Schiffer (01/21 - 12/24)
Princeton University

Member-at-Large: Prineha Narang (03/22 - 03/25)
University of California, Los Angeles

Member-at-Large: Xiuling Li (03/22 - 03/25)
University of Texas at Austin

Member-at-Large: Paul Sokol (03/23 - 03/26)
Indiana University Bloomington

Member-at-Large: Bharat Jalan (03/23 - 03/26)
University of Minnesota

Member-at-Large: Dagmar Weickert (01/24 - 12/27)
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

Member-at-Large: Harry Radousky (01/24 - 12/27)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Gray arrow Past Executive Committees

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Note: For all executive committee members except APS Councillor, the term of office begins at the close of the March APS meeting and ends at the close of a subsequent March meeting.

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.