
Recipient Picture

Ania Kwiatkowski


"For outstanding and innovative contributions to precision mass measurements, commitment to mentoring of young researchers, and leadership in the low energy nuclear physics community."


Ania A. Kwiatkowski is a research scientist at TRIUMF and adjunct faculty at the University of Victoria in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Kwiatkowski focuses on understanding the ground-state properties of radioactive ions using ion-trapping techniques. These properties are relevant to investigate nuclear structure, nucleosynthesis, and precision tests of the Standard Model. She develops novel techniques for improved beam purification and novel detection schemes for increasingly exotic radioisotopes produced with decreasing cross-sections. She presently leads the TITAN group, which performs precision mass spectrometry and in-trap decay spectroscopy. Kwiatkowski received her B.A. in physics and French from the University of California, Berkeley in 2005. She pursued her graduate studies at Michigan State University, where she received the Marie Dye Endowment Fellowship and National Superconducting Cyclotron (NSCL) Fellowship. She received her M.Sc. in 2007 and her PhD in 2011 for research performed at the NSCL. She is a member of the American Physical Society, the Canadian Association of Physicists, and the IUPAP C2 Commission.

Selection Committee:

2018 Selection Committee Members: Michael Ramsey-Musolf (Chair), Artemis Spyrou (Vice Chair), Jim Napolitano, Ernst P. Sichtermann, Zheng-Tian Lu