Meeting Presentations

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APS April Meeting 2019

Session R

R17.00002: A triggerless DAQ for the Electron Ion Collider
Marco Battaglieri

R17.00003: Streaming readout for sPHENIX and a sPHENIX-based EIC detector
Jin Huang, Martin Purschke

R17.00004: A streaming readout DAQ system for the BDX experiment
Fabrizio Ameli, Marco Battaglieri, Andrea Celentano, Paolo Musico, Luca Marsicano, Tommaso Chiarusi, Carmelo Pellegrino, Riccardo Lunadei, Giacomo Chiodi, Luigi Recchia, Manlio Capodiferro, Lorena Stellato, Daniele Ruggieri, Antonio Girardi, Carlo Nicolau

R17.00006: Overview of the MOLLER Experiment Integrating Cherenkov Detector Readout and Front-end Electronics 
Michael Gericke

R17.00007: Development of Integrating Electronics for the MOLLER Experiment
Jie Pan