
Past Meetings

APS March Meeting 2024
March 3-8, 2024

APS April Meeting 2023
April 15-18, 2023

APS March Meeting 2023
March 5-10, 2023

APS April Meeting 2022
April 9-12, 2022

APS March Meeting 2022
March 14-18, 2022

APS April Meeting 2021
April 17-20, 2021

March Meeting 2021
March 15-19, 2021

APS Virtual April Meeting 2020
April 18-21, 2020

APS March Meeting 2020 (Canceled)
March 2-6, 2020

APS April Meeting 2019
April 13-16, 2019

APS March Meeting 2019
March 4-8, 2019

APS April Meeting 2018
April 14-17, 2018

APS March Meeting 2018
March 5-9, 2018

March Meeting 2017
March 13-17, 2017

APS April Meeting 2017
January 28-31, 2017

APS April Meeting 2016
April 16-19, 2016

APS March Meeting 2016
March 14-18, 2016

APS April Meeting 2015
April 11-14, 2015

APS March Meeting 2015
March 2-6, 2015

APS April Meeting 2014
April 5-8, 2014

APS March Meeting 2014
March 3-7, 2014

APS April Meeting 2013
April 13-16, 2013

APS March Meeting 2013
March 18-22, 2013

APS April Meeting 2012 (Held in Conjunction with the Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference)
March 31-April 3, 2012

APS March Meeting 2012
February 27-March 2, 2012

APS April Meeting 2011
April 30-May 3, 2011

APS March Meeting 2011
March 21-25, 2011

APS March Meeting 2010
March 15-19, 2010

APS April/AAPT Meeting 2010
February 13-17, 2010

APS April Meeting 2009
May 2-5, 2009

APS March Meeting 2009
March 16-20, 2009

APS April Meeting 2008
April 12-15, 2008

APS March Meeting 2008
March 10-14, 2008

APS April Meeting 2007
April 14-17, 2007

APS March Meeting 2007
March 5-9, 2007

APS April Meeting 2006
April 22-25, 2006

APS March Meeting 2006
March 13-17, 2006

APS April Meeting 2005
April 16-19, 2005

APS March Meeting 2005
March 21-25, 2005

APS April Meeting 2004
May 1-4, 2004

APS March Meeting 2004
March 22-26, 2004

APS April Meeting 2003
April 5-8, 2003

APS March Meeting 2003
March 3-7, 2003

APS April Meeting 2002
April 20-23, 2002

APS March Meeting 2002
March 18-22, 2002

APS April Meeting 2001
April 28-May 1, 2001

APS March Meeting 2001
March 12-16, 2001

APS April Meeting 2000
April 29-May 2, 2000

APS March Meeting 2000
March 20-24, 2000

APS April Meeting 1998
April 18-21, 1998

APS March Meeting 1998
March 16-20, 1998

APS April Meeting 1997
April 18-21, 1997

APS March Meeting 1997
March 17-21, 1997

APS April Meeting 1996
May 1-2, 1996

APS March Meeting 1996
March 20-24, 1996

APS April Meeting 1995
April 18-21, 1995

APS March Meeting 1995
March 20-24, 1995

APS April Meeting 1994
April 18-22, 1994

APS March Meeting 1994
March 21-25, 1994

GMED March and April Meeting Travel Grants

Application Deadline for March Meeting 2020: November 4, 2019
Application Deadline for April Meeting 2020: January 14, 2020

Students and postdocs who are presenting a talk in a GMED-sponsored or co-sponsored session at the APS March or April Meeting are invited to apply for a GMED Travel Award. The award provides up to $400 in travel support.

To apply, contributing speakers should send an email with the title of the talk, the sorting category to which the abstract was submitted, and the name of the applicant's research advisor. They must also arrange for their advisor to send a letter of support. These materials should be emailed to the Chair of GMED, Robert Jeraj (, with the subject heading, GMED Travel Award (March or April) Meeting (applicant's last name). It is expected that recipients will not request reimbursement from other funding sources for expenses covered by the award.

Selection of recipients will be made by the GMED executive committee based on the merit of the application. Applicants will be notified one week after the scientific program for the relevant meeting is announced.

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.