Chair: Dmitri Uzdensky (11/23 - 11/24)
University of Colorado, Boulder

Chair-Elect: Jonathan Squire (11/23 - 11/24)
University of Otago

Vice Chair: Fan Guo (11/23 - 11/24)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Past Chair: Frederico Fiuza (11/23 - 11/24)
Instituto Superior Tecnico

Secretary/Treasurer: Kristopher Klein (11/21 - 11/24)
University of Arizona

Assigned Council Representative: Michael Brown (01/23 - 12/26)
Swarthmore College

Member-at-Large: James Juno (10/22 - 11/24)
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

Member-at-Large: Luca Comisso (11/23 - 11/24)
Columbia University

Member-at-Large: E. Paulo Alves (10/22 - 11/25)
University of California, Los Angeles

Member-at-Large: Elizabeth Tolman (10/22 - 11/25)
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)

Member-at-Large: Jack Hare (11/23 - 11/26)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Member-at-Large: Alexander Philippov (11/23 - 11/26)
University of Maryland College Park

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.