Chair: Carl Ventrice (04/23 - 04/25)
University at Albany

Vice Chair: Susan DiFranzo (04/23 - 04/25)

Secretary/Treasurer: Zachary Robinson (04/21 - 04/25)
SUNY Brockport

Councilor: Kenneth Podolak (01/23 - 12/26)
SUNY Plattsburgh

Member-at-Large: Abram Falk (04/21 - 04/25)
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Member-at-Large: Eric Leibensperger (04/21 - 04/25)
Ithaca College

Member-at-Large: Bonggu Shim (04/21 - 04/25)
Binghamton University

Member-at-Large: Jill Linz (04/21 - 04/25)
Skidmore College

Member-at-Large: Pratik Dholabhai (04/23 - 04/25)
Rochester Institute of Technology

Member-at-Large: Rajesh Vaddi (04/23 - 04/25)
Corning Inc

Member-at-Large: Sobhit Singh (04/23 - 04/27)
University of Rochester

Member-at-Large: Erica Simoson (04/23 - 04/27)
SUNY Fredonia

Member-at-Large: Changjiang Liu (04/23 - 04/27)
State Univ of NY - Buffalo

Member-at-Large: Emilio Cobanera (04/23 - 04/27)
SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Member-at-Large: Gen Long (04/23 - 04/27)
St. John's University (New York City)

Member-at-Large: Christopher Bass (04/23 - 04/27)
Le Moyne College

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Officer Roles

The Chair presides and sets the agenda of the meetings of the Executive Committee. The Vice-Chair is the Chair-Elect of the Section and, upon completion of the term of office, becomes the Chair. The Secretary-Treasurer keeps the books, takes and distributes minutes, distributes funds, pays all bills, and is responsible for all mailings. The Council Observer reports on APS Council meetings, brings items of interest to the Section to the Council's attention, and communicates with the Section (voting) Councilors.

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.