Other Committees

2019-20 APS/DFD Committee Assignments

Nominating Committee

8 members, staggered 2-year terms

Mike Plesniak, Chair (12/20)
Luca Biferale, Vice Chair (12/21)
Carlos Hidrovo (12/20)
Gareth McKinley (12/20)
Pavlos Vlachos (12/20)
Joanna Austin (12/21)
Anke Lindner (12/21)
Shu Takagi (12/21)

Program Committee

8 members, staggered 3-year terms + March Meeting liaison + 2 local organ. committee members

Shelley Anna, Chair (12/20)
John Dabiri, Vice Chair (12/20)
Dennice Gayme (12/20)
Jean Hertzberg (12/20)
Rui Ni (12/20)
Michael Brenner (12/21)
Marcus Herrmann (12/21)
David Richter (12/21)
Paulo Arratia, MM liaison (12/21)
Jon Freund, LOC ’20 (12/20)
Randy Ewoldt, LOC ’20 (12/20)

Fellowship Committee

8 fellows, staggered 2-year terms

John Dabiri, Chair (12/20)
Shelley Anna, Vice Chair (12/20)
Colm-cille Caulfield (12/20)
Fernando Grinstein (12/20)
Guowei He (12/20)
Paul Steen (12/20)
Jacqueline Chen (12/21)
Anne De Wit (12/21)

External Affairs Committee

8 members, staggered 3-year terms

Satish Kumar, Co-Chair (12/21)
Hassan Masoud, Co-Chair (12/20)
Kiran Bhaganagar, Vice Chair (12/21)
Arvind Santhanakrishnan (12/20)
Arindam Banerjee (12/21)
Kirti Sahu (12/21)
Parisa Mirbod (12/22)

Fluid Dynamics Prize Committee

8 members, staggered 2-year terms, and award winner from previous cycle, 1-year term

Leslie Smith, Chair (12/20)
Thomas Corke, Vice Chair (12/21)
Ellen Longmire (12/20)
Rajat Mittal (12/20)
Todd Squires (12/20)
Lex Smits, 2019 Award Winner (12/20)
Lyderic Bocquet (12/21)
Yoshifumi Kimura (12/21)

Corrsin Award Committee

7 members, staggered 2-year terms, and award winner from previous cycle, 1-year term

Roberto Verzicco, Chair (12/20)
Richard Lueptow, Vice Chair (12/21)
Paul Durbin (12/20)
Kausik Sarkar (12/20)
Jeff Morris, 2019 Award Winner (12/20)
Lisa Fauci (12/21)
Hyung Jin Sung (12/21)
Laurette Tuckerman (12/21)

Acrivos Award Committee

7 members, staggered 2-year terms

Daniel Bodony, Chair (12/20)
Tim Colonius, Vice Chair (12/21)
Irmgard Bischofberger (12/20)
Eric Lauga (12/20)
Duan Z. Zhang (12/20)
Christine Gilbert (12/21)
Karen Mulleners (12/21)

Frenkiel Award Committee

6 members, staggered 2-year terms, award winner from previous cycle, 1-year term, and Physical Review Fluids liaison

Diego Donzis, Chair (12/20)
Eva Kanso, Vice Chair (12/21)
Haecheon Choi (12/20)
Thomas Cubaud (12/20)
Federico Toschi (12/20)
Jerome Neufeld, 2019 Award Winner (12/20)
Roman Grigoriev (12/21)
Clancy Rowley, PRF Liaison (12/21)

Media & Science Relations Committee

7 members, staggered 3-year terms

Azar Eslam-Panah, Chair (12/20)
Anya Jones, Vice Chair (12/22)
Pirouz Kavehpour (12/20)
Ivan Marusic (12/20)
Maysam Mousaviraad (12/20)
David Hu (12/21)
Mattia Gazzola (12/22)
Vivek Narsimhan (12/21) (ex-officio DFD Web maintenance & Facebook, Twitter interfacing)
Ken Kiger (ex-officio Gallery of Fluid Motion maintenance)

Educational & Career Outreach Committee

6 members, staggered 2-year terms

Megan Leftwich, Chair (12/20)
Keith Moored, Vice Chair (12/21)
Devesh Ranjan (12/20)
Adrian Sescu (12/20)
Andres Goza (12/21)
Kerstin Nordstrom (12/21)

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

8 members, staggered 3-year terms

Raul Cal, Chair (12/21)
Luciano Castillo, Vice Chair (12/21)
Monica Martinez (12/20)
Thomas Ward (12/20)
Roberto Zenit (12/20)
Petia Vlahovska (12/20)
P. K. Yeung (12/21)
Melissa Green (12/22)

Gallery of Fluid Motion

Ken Kiger

APS representative on US National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Beverley McKeon

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.