
From Noemi Mirkin, FIP Secretary-Treasurer and Noémie Koller, Chair, Nominating Committee

The Executive Committee of the Forum on International Physics consists of 13 voting members. The following positions become vacant beginning January 2012: Vice-Chair, for a 4-year term in the Forum's chair line, and two Members-at-Large for 3-year terms.

The Nominating Committee generated the following slate of candidates:

For Vice-Chair: Ercan Alp (Argonne National Lab) and Yvan Bruynseraede (Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Belgium)

For Member-at-Large: Vengu Lakshminarayanan (University of Waterloo, Canada), Sultana Nahar: (Ohio State University), Emanuela Barzi (Fermilab), and Luisa Cifarelli (University of Bologna, Italy)

All members of FIP will shortly receive official ballot information from FIP. The notification will include links to brief bios and statements of the candidates. The election begins October 1 and ends November 30.

The newly elected members will start their terms January 1st, 2012. They will replace the three outgoing members of the FIP Executive Committee whose terms end December 31, 2011: Noémie Koller, Susana Hernandez and Marie Saboungi.


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