Experiences and Issues for Young Physicists in the International Arena: Impact on the Future of Physics

Session Y8 at the March meeting

Chaired and reported by Amy Flatten

I had an opportunity to Chair a FIP/FGSA session, “Experiences and Issues for Young Physicists in the International Arena: Impact on the Future of Physics.” The session included talks by graduate students from across the globe on a breadth of topics including visa challenges, overcoming cultural barriers, life in an international collaboration, and perspectives from international female physicists in academic careers in the United States and issues facing women physicists worldwide. The session was well-attended and the audience energetically engaged the speakers during a panel discussion that followed their presentations.

Some of the presentations are available at APS website.

Participants from L to R: Amy Flatten, Azadeh Keivani, Rishiraj Pravahan, J. Pedro Ochoa, Tulika Bose
Photograph courtesy Noémie Koller

Participants from L to R: Amy Flatten, Director of the APS Office of International Affairs chaired the session and led the panel discussion; Azadeh Keivani, Louisiana State University, “Impact of Visa Issues on an International Physics Graduate Student in the U.S.” Rishiraj Pravahan, University of Texas at Arlington, “Life in a large scientific collaboration” J. Pedro Ochoa, Lawrence Berkeley Na-tional Laboratory, “Overcoming the Cultural Barrier: An International Physicist’s Experience” Tulika Bose, Boston University, “Perspectives from an international female physicist in academia”

Dr. Amy Flatten is Director of International Affairs at the American Physical Society.

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