Calendar of FIP Sessions and Events at APS Spring Meetings

March Meeting 2012 poster

March Meeting 2012
February 27 - March 2, Boston Convention Center Boston, Massachusetts

Monday, Feb 27 - 11:15AM. B2 Science Diplomacy: Africa and the Middle East
: William Barletta
Invited Speakers
: Christine Darve, Sekazi Mtingwa, Herman Winick, Omer Yavas, Mulugeta Bekele

Tuesday, Feb 28 - 11:15AM. J27 International Energy Perspectives
Sponsors: FIP, GERA
Chair: William Barletta
Invited Speakers: Mark Levine, Carmine Difiglio, Richard Lester, Alexis Malozemoff, Ellen Stechel

Tuesday, Feb 28 - 2:30PM. L2 Andrei Sakharov Prize Session
Sponsors: DPB, FIP
Chair: W. Barletta
Invited Speakers: Bruno Coppi, Robert Cahn, Tatiana Yankelevich, Richard Wilson, Yousef Makdisi

Tuesday, Feb 28 - FIP Reception, begins at 6 to 8 pm in the Hancock Room, Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel


APS Office of International Affairs
Overseas Chinese Physics Association (OCPA)
Association of Korean Physicists in America (AKPA)
American Chapter of the Indian Physics Association (ACIPA)
Iranian-American Physicists Group Network (IrAP)

Please join us as we honor the FIP APS Fellows! Co-sponsors will also be giving out awards.

The FIP reception is a wonderful opportunity to interact with speakers,officers of the American Physical Society, members of the co-sponsoring organizations, and your fellow FIP members!

Wednesday, Feb 29 - 2:30PM. T2 PIRE in Condensed Matter
Sponsor: FIP
Chair: Joan Frye
Invited Speakers: Junichiro Kono, Thomas Pruschke, Chang Yeol Ryu, Arthur Smith, Yasutomo Uemura.

Thurs, Mar 1 - 11:15AM. W20 Nuclear Power, One Year After Fukushima
Sponsors: FPS, FIP, DCMP
Chair: David Wright
Invited Speakers: Akira Omoto, Stephen Kuczynski, Edwin Lyman, Yun Zhou, M.V. Ramana

April Meeting poster 2012

April Meeting 2012
March 31 - April 3, Atlanta, GA 100 Years of Cosmic Ray Physics
Held Jointly with the Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference

Apr 1 -10:45AM. H4 Science Diplomacy: Accelerator Based Science in Korea
Sponsors: DPB, FIP
: Kwang-Je Kim
Invited Speakers
: Won Namkung, Dong-Pil Min, M.H. Cho

Apr 1 - 10:45AM. H6 Energy Services for the Developing World I
Chair: Alvin Compaan
Invited Speakers: Ashok Gadgil, Kurt Kornbluth, Jeffrey Nelson

Apr 1 - 1:30PM, J12 Invited Session: Energy Services for the Developing World II
Sponsors: FIP GERA
: Ellen Stechel
Invited Speakers
: Alexie Kolpak, Chris Lyons, Trudy Forsyth

Apr 3 - 10:45AM, W6 Panel Discussion: Challenges for Early Career Researchers in International Collaborations and Exchanges
Sponsors: FIP FGSA
Chair: Renee Horton
Invited Speaker
: Lindley Winslow

Disclaimer—The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.