FIP Members Recognized as APS Fellows

It is a pleasure to recognize and congratulate eight of our members, shown below, who have recently been elected to APS Fellowship upon nomination by the FIP for their significant contributions to physics and the advancement of physics throughout the world.


Ashot Chilingarian, Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia

Citation: For bringing one of the world's largest facilities for monitoring different species of secondary cosmic rays located in Armenia to the International Space Weather initiative as a global warning system from violent space events.

Yuan Feng, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Citation: For his contributions to the understanding of ferromagnetism in non-magnetic element doped semiconductors and new phenomena in carbon-based nano materials through computational studies and his untiring efforts in promoting international scientific collaborations in computational materials physics.

Jonathan Katz, Washington University, St Louis, US

Citation: For his significant and wide-ranging physics analyses at the interface of science and society, including nuclear weapons policy and the killing of oil well blow-outs.

Gui Long, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Citation: For his significant contribution in quantum information, including quantum secure direct communication, distributed quantum communication and quantum search algorithms, and for his important role in advancing physics and development in international physics.

William Rees, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US

Citation: For applying technical expertise and policy knowledge to strengthen the nation's physics enterprise.

Ashok Vaseashta, Department of State and Norwich Applied Research Institutes, US

Citation: For exceptional contributions and leadership in promoting scientific collaborations throughout America, Europe with focus in Black-Sea Region, and Asian-Pacific Rim for research in nanomaterials to solve grand challenges of the 21st century.

Yuh-Lin Wang, Academia Sinica, Taipeh, Taiwan

Citation: For his experimental work on surface nanoparticles, including the discovery of "surface magic clusters" with extraordinary stability, the creation of the first two-dimensional lattice of these clusters, and the demonstration of controllable high-density arrays for enhancing surface Raman scattering.

Tao Xiang, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China

Citation: For his innovative contributions to the development of numerical renormalization group method and theoretical study of strongly correlated electronic systems, and for tireless promotion of international collaborations in condensed matter physics.

Hiroaki Yamamoto, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, US

Citation: For his commitment to establishing the global gravitational wave network through his contributions to the design and conceptualization of the Large Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Telescope in Japan and the EU Advanced Virgo Interferometer in Italy.

Jinlong Yang, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, China

Citation: For his original and outstanding contributions to single-molecule phenomena at surfaces, first-principles design of functional materials, and his efforts in promoting international scientific collaborations.

Ashot Chilingarian
Ashot Chilingarian

William Rees
William Rees

Hiroaki Yamamoto
Hiroaki Yamamoto

Yuan Feng
Yuan Feng

Ashok Vaseashta
Ashok Vaseashta

Jinlong Yang

Jonathan Katz
Jonathan Katz

Yuh-Lin Wang
Yuh-Lin Wang

Gui Long
Gui Long

Tao Xiang
Tao Xiang

Disclaimer—The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.