FIP Members Recognized as APS Fellows

It is a pleasure to recognize and congratulate nine of our members who have recently been elected to APS Fellowship upon nomination by the FIP for their significant contributions to physics and the advancement of physics throughout the world.

GwoKrishnamurthyBao An LiLiMartinsson
From Left to Right: Shangir Gwo, V. Krishnamurthy, Bao-An Li, Baowen Li, Nils Martensson

From Left to Right: Chandra Shekhar Mishra, Jian-Wei Pan, Fulvio Parmigiani, Eric Prebys

Shangjr F. Gwo,
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Citation: For his important contributions in developing innovative approaches for growth and fundamental studies of semiconductor surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures, for his experimental breakthroughs in developing plasmonic metamaterials and plasmonic nanolasers, and for his promotion of international collaborations in physics.

V. Krishnamurthy, George Mason University, Virginia, US

Citation: For pioneering contributions to the physics of intraseasonal, interannual and decadal variability of South Asian monsoon and South American climate, the predictability of atmosphere as a nonlinear dynamical system, and the development of atmospheric physics in developing countries.

Bao-An Li, Texas A&M University, Commerce, Texas, US

Citation: For his important contributions to our understanding of asymmetric nuclear matter, for his untiring efforts in promoting isospin physics worldwide, and for enhancing scientific contacts and collaborations with physicists in China.

Baowen Li, National University of Singapore

Citation: For distinguished contributions to the field of "phononics", particularly for conceiving phononic devices like thermal diodes, thermal transistors, logical thermal gates and memories and phonon transport in low dimensional systems.

Martensson Nils, Uppsala University, Sweden

Citation: For pioneering work in the field of photoelectron spectroscopy, who has contributed to many fundamental concepts to understand electronic processes of a wide variety of materials as well as to several revolutionary technical developments, thereby profoundly influencing this field with sustained contributions for more than four decades.

Chandra Shekhar Mishra, Fermilab, Illinois, US

Citation: For exceptional achievement in the creation and stewardship of international collaborations in accelerator and particle physics, especially in the Indian-American Agreement for Cooperation in the Area of Accelerator and Particle Detector Research and Development for Discovery Science.

Jian-Wei Pan, University of Science & Technology, Beijing, China

Citation: For his pioneering works on experiments of optical quantum communication, quantum computation, and multi-photon entanglement, and for his important role in international physics.

Fulvio Parmigiani, University of Trieste

Citation: For pioneering contributions in ultra-fast non-linear photoemission in metals and broad-band time resolved optical spectroscopy of cuprates and high temperature superconductors, and for establishing a strong, international scientific user program at the world’s first seeded free electron laser facility.

Eric J. Prebys, Fermilab, Illinois, US

Citation: For his important contributions to the physics of beams and his exceptional efforts to shape the US - CERN collaboration enabling successful physics programs at the LHC and charting a course for US involvement in future LHC upgrades.

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