Important Articles on Global Perspectives in Physics

From Luisa Cifarelli

An important article on the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12) appeared in the International News section of the November 2013 issue of APS News. This article “Asia-Europe Physics Summit Provides a Global Perspective” co-authored by William Barletta and Luisa Cifarelli, covered this conference, held under the auspices of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) in Japan. It was also the occasion for ASEPS3, the third Asia-Europe Physics Summit, a collaboration between AAPPS and the European Physical Society (EPS). An update on what has happened since ASEPS3, “Global perspectives on major science facilities,” also co-authored by Barletta and Cifarelli, appears in the current January/February 2014 issue of the CERN Courier on p. 19. The next ASEPS meeting will likely be in Europe in 2015 (to be confirmed).

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