FIP Sessions and Events at the APS 2014 Spring Meetings

The APS web pages have links to the abstracts and in many cases the presentations themselves. The links are from the “Epitome” of each meeting, and from there it is easy to find the presentation using the session number and then the specific talk.

Finding the “Epitome” takes a few clicks:
  1. APS Meetings & Events
  2. Archives of the Bulletin of the APS
  3. 2014
  4. March (or April) Meeting 2014
  5. Meeting abstracts (or program)
  6. Epitome

March Meeting 2014

March 3 - 7 • Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado

FIP sponsored and co-sponsored invited sessions.

Session B36 Invited Session: Visa and Immigration Policies for 21st Century Science
Sponsor: FIP. Chair: Amy Flatten, Director of International Affairs, American Physical Society
Invited Speakers: Albert H. Teich, Kathie Bailey, Mathew Gillen

Session G36 Invited Session: Condensed Matter Physics in China
Sponsor: FIP. Chair: Esen Alp, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Yupeng Wang, Enge Wang, Changqing Jin, Hong Ding, Lu Yu

Session W38 Invited Session: 20th Century Chinese Physicists and Physics
Sponsors: FHP & FIP. Chair: Danian Hu, City College of New York, CUNY
Invited Speakers: Yuelin Zhu, Xiaodong Yin, Tian Yu Cao, Bing Liu, Liu Jinyan

April Meeting 2014

April Meeting 2014

April 5 - 8 • Savannah Convention Center, Savannah, Georgia

FIP sponsored or co-sponsored invited sessions.

Session J10 Invited Session: Large Scale International Facilities I: Photon Sources
Sponsors: FIP & DPB. Chair: Esen Alp, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Uwe Bergmann, S.L. Molodtsov, Tetsuya Ishikawa

Session K10 Invited Session: Large Scale International Facilities II: Particle Accelerators
Sponsors: FIP & DPB. Chair: Christine Darve, European Spallation Source
Invited Speakers: James Yeck, Frederick Bordry, Thomas Glasmacher

Session E13 Andrei Sakharov Prize Session
Sponsor: FIP. Chair: Esen Alp, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speaker: Boris Altshuler

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.