U.S.-China Young Physicists Forum

The American Physical Society (APS) and The Chinese Physical Society (CPS) are pleased to announce the upcoming

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Young Physicist Forum announcement

Additional details regarding registration, abstract submission, and the program will be available at www.aps.org/international.

The American Physical Society (APS) and the Chinese Physical Society (CPS) have been working to bring together young physicists from our two countries. As many graduate students from the United States and China already plan to attend the 2015 APS March Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, the APS and CPS will hold a “U.S.-China Young Physicists Forum” the weekend before the March Meeting begins.

The U.S.-China Young Physicists Forum (YPF) will combine scientific sessions with career development and networking opportunities for the graduate students, with each country sending ~30 students (~60 total for this meeting).

The Forum will span a day and a half, and focus upon Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Physics graduate students. Through special topical and technical sessions, it will provide graduate students from the United States and China with:
  • plenary physics sessions from U.S. & Chinese senior scientists
  • research presentations by participating U.S. and Chinese students during parallel and poster sessions
  • career development discussions on publishing in peer-reviewed journals and careers outside of academia
  • networking and social events with leaders in Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Physics, and VIP’s from the APS and CPS

Note: The program especially encourages U.S. graduate students without much prior experience in China to participate in the meeting.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.