Second Nordic Particle Accelerator School at Lund University

Submitted by Christine Darve (European Spallation Source, SE)

Second Nordic Particle Accelerator School

The second Nordic Particle Accelerator School, NPAS2016, took place at Lund University, August 15-23. The event was sponsored by the European Union Strategic Partnership's grant, NPAP (Nordic Particle Accelerator Program). The NPAP aims to broaden the opportunities for education in accelerator physics and technology, in particular for students from the northern part of Europe, by developing summer schools and a MOOC (massive open online course). The objective of the program is to ensure future European accelerator expertise that can exploit, develop and improve current and future particle accelerators. The NPAS and the MOOC are organized by the MAX IV Laboratory, European Spallation Source (ESS), and the Universities of Lund, Uppsala, Aarhus, Oslo and Jyväskylä, together with a partnership of several additional European universities. The photograph was taken during an excursion to Stjerneborg (Star Castle), Tycho Brahe's underground observatory next to his palace-observatory Uraniborg, located on the island of Hven in Øresund.

Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)