Letter from the Editor

Dear FIP Members,

In this FIP newsletter issue you will find all information about our sessions at the next March and April Meetings and an overview of our recent efforts in serving the international physics community. I am proud to mention that our activities are always very well attended and the FIP community is increasingly growing.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I want to give a very warm welcome to our new elected Executive Members: Councillor - Emanuela Barzi (Fermilab, US); Vice Chair - Luisa Cifarelli (University of Bologna, Italy); Member-at-large - Dmitri Denisov (Femilab, US); Member-at-large - Abhishek Kumar (Univ of Maryland-College Park, US). Let me thank Young-Kee Kim, who served as our FIP councilor the past four years, Maria Spiropulu the FIP Past Chair 2017, and the two Member-at-Large Jason S Gardner and Aldo Romero for their valuable contributions to the FIP. A special thank you also to the current Past Chair Cherrill Spencer for her enthusiasm and dedication to the international physics community as our Chair throughout 2017. And I would like to send to Jerry Peterson all my best wishes for a successful and fruitful year, as 2018 Chair of the FIP.

I hope to see you all at our next APS meetings!

My warmest best wishes to you all,

The Newsletter Editor
Maria Longobardi
University of Geneva, Switzerland

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