Letter from the Editor

Dear FIP Members,

In this FIP newsletter issue, you will find an overview of our recent efforts in serving the international physics community.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I want to give a warm welcome to our new elected Executive Members 2019: the Chair-Elect Luisa Cifarelli (University of Bologna), the Vice-Chair Alan Hurd (Los Alamos National Laboratory) the Secretary/Treasurer Carlos Bertulani (Texas A&M University, Commerce) and the two Members-at-Large Ilham Al-Qaradawi (Qatar University) and William Barletta (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Let me thank Noemi Mirkin, our previous Secretary/Treasurer who served the FIP in the past 19 years! Her contribution has always been precious for advancing in all our activities. She represented the history and the backbone of the FIP in all these years and a reference point for the new Executive members. Thank you again Noemi, for your kindness and all your efforts!

A special thank to the Past Chair Jerry Peterson for his enthusiasm and dedication to the international physics community in 2018 as Chair. For the 2019, I would like to send Elena Aprile all my best wishes for a successful and fruitful year, as current Chair of the FIP.

I hope to see you all at our next APS meetings!

My warmest best wishes to you all,


Maria Longobardi
FIP Newsletter Editor
FECS Chair

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