Distinguished Student (DS) Travel Support Program

The Forum on International Physics (FIP) has sought international students requiring travel support to attend the annual APS meetings in either March or April. Over the past four years, around a hundred undergraduate and graduate students have applied for this travel grant. The awardees were given between 500 and 2500 USD depending on the location of their institutions.

Students were chosen based on their academic and research excellence, teaching and community outreach activities. Special attention has been given to applications from less economically developed countries or working in those countries.

The DS travel program has successfully brought young researchers from distant lands to the annual APS meetings to interact with many of the world’s leading researchers in Physics. The Forum on International Physics wishes to continue this very successful program and discuss ways to attain funds. If members want to support this very deserving program, please donate to the international program when renewing your annual dues with the society and mention the DS program specifically.

Fourteen students, from as far as India and Ethiopia, have been awarded in 2020. Here, in the following, the complete list of FIP Distinguished Students 2020.

DS Awardees at the March Meeting 2020

Binaya Kumar Sahu – India - Centre for Atomic Research, Tamil Nadu, India

Garima Aggarwal – India - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Simon Batzner – Germany - Harvard University, US

Helena Drueeke – Germany - University of Rostock, Germany

Md Shafayat Hossain – Bangladesh - Princeton University, US

Felix Sebastian Kratz – Germany -Technical University of Dortmund, Germany

Indrajit Maity – India - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Hinako Murayama – Japan- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US

Sofia Ferreira Teixeira – Portugal - University of Porto, Portugal

DS Awardees at the April Meeting 2020

Deniz Aybas - Turkey - Boston University, US

Meghna Bhattacharya - India - University of Mississippi, US

Alejandro Cardenas Avendano – Colombia - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, US

Alemayehu Cherkos – Ethiopia - Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Alberto Roper Pol – Spain - University of Colorado, US

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.