Chair: Arihant Jain (01/24 - 12/24)
Georgia Institute of Technology

Chair-Elect: William Munizzi (04/24 - 12/24)
University of California, Los Angeles

Past Chair: Sachin Satish Bharadwaj (01/24 - 12/24)
New York University (NYU)

Treasurer: Julian Mintz (04/24 - 12/25)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Secretary: Jacqueline Acres (01/23 - 12/24)
Portland State University

Councilor: Sophie Parsons (04/24 - 12/27)
University of California, San Diego

Member-at-Large: Kehinde Akintola (01/23 - 12/24)
West Virginia University

Member-at-Large: David Kieda (01/23 - 12/24)
University of Utah

Member-at-Large: Telemachos Agoudemos (04/24 - 12/25)
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Member-at-Large: Danielle Maldonado (04/24 - 12/25)
West Virginia University

APS Student Representative to AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition: Brett Greene (8/20 - 12/21)

FGSA Ex-Officio Advisor to the APS Committee on Careers and Professional Development: Xuan Chen (01/20 - 12/20)

Nominees and award and office holders are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.