58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Invited Talks

November 20-22, 2005
Hilton Chicago Hotel, Chicago, IL

2005 Fluid Dynamics Prize

Ronald J. AdrianOrganization in Wall Turbulence (pdf) (5.8 MB)
Ronald J. Adrian
Arizona State University


2005 Francois Frenkiel Award

Roberto VerziccoEffects of non-perfect thermal sources in turbulent thermal convection (pdf) (1.5 MB)
Roberto Verzicco
Politecnico di Bari, Italy


2005 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award

Silas AlbenBending leaves and flapping flight: Transitions in fluid-structure interactions (pdf) (8.5 MB)
Silas Alben
Harvard University


Invited Speakers

Howard BaumThe Fluid Mechanics of Fires (pdf) (1.5 MB)
Howard Baum
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Supplement: "Modeling and Scaling Law for Large Fires" (pdf, 1 MB)

Henk DijkstraGlobal Ocean Circulation: An Elegant Dynamical System (pdf) (2.9 MB)
Henk Dijkstra
Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands


James Grotberg Respiratory Fluid Mechanics (4.5 MB)
James Grotberg
University of Michigan


Elisabeth GuazzelliSedimentation of Particles: How Can Such a Simple Problem Be so Difficult? (pdf, no movies) (1.8 MB)
Elisabeth Guazzelli
Polytech Marseille, France


Nicolas HadjiconstantinouHydrodynamics Beyond the Navier-Stokes Description: Modeling and Simulation of Small Scale Flows (pdf) (0.15 MB)
Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou
Massachusettes Institute of Technology

Charles MeneveauOn the Origin of Small-Scale Intermittency in Turbulence (2.3 MB)
Charles Meneveau
Johns Hopkins University


Charles H. K. WilliamsonNew Phenomena in Vortex-Induced Vibrations (pdf) (2.2 MB)
Charles H. K. Williamson
Cornell University


M. Grae WorsterDynamics of Premelted Liquid Films (pdf) (2.1 MB)
M. Grae Worster
University of Cambridge